Friday, December 27, 2013

A Peek Behind the (Shower) Curtain

Well, it took nearly two months but Alex finally completed "Operation Deep Soak" just in time for Christmas... and when I say that I mean like three days before Christmas :)  So, I apologize that I didn't have time to take photos before all the Christmas Crazy began so here's a few teaser pics of our finished  bathtub + shower + tile project (aka Operation Deep Soak)....
Looking pretty nice right?!?  I hope you'll stop back for the whole before and after story too because I always enjoy putting together a post that tells the whole story from where we started with a room all the way through each change we've made- and all that ends up taking a good chunk of time!  I can't help it, it's the kind of thing I really dig sharing on the blog to show all the time, hard work, mistakes, learnings, effort, and pride we take in shaping our home to fit us more and more :)

I'm gathering up all the before and afters this weekend to tell the tale of Operation Deep Soak.  Hope you'll join us, but until then...

What do you think of the preview pics?
What did we miss detailing in the previous Operation Deep Soak posts?
What questions did you have about our project that we should include in the completed post?

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