Thursday, July 17, 2014

Time to Right a DIY Done Wrong

I'm still making decisions when it comes to my sunroom project but one thing I do know for sure is that the DIY redo I put these chairs through was a REAL bad idea because there's no way I can use them in the room as is...

Yep I admit it, I made these poor chairs look pretty fugly with that purple fabric and I should have just left the wood as is.  So stupid, ugh! 

I guess I can't say it was a total mistake though- The one good thing that came out of it was that I learned how to tuft a seat cushion, something I've never done before!  So it's kind of a bummer that I have to tear it all apart but in the end this look just ain't gonna fly anywhere in this house! Time to get to work! 

****   How would YOU redo these chairs DIY style?   ****

What color or wood stain for the chair frame? 
What type of fabric & color for the seat cushion?

More to come on these AND 
the sunroom soon!  See you then! 


  1. I thought it, but just couldn't say it, glad you've seen the light ;0) Considering it's going in such a dark room, I've realized that metallics really brighten up a dark room and bring elegance, contrast and modernness. What if you painted the chairs metallic silver (unless you're going to strip/restain them?) and do either a nice neutral or accent color for the cushion? Good luck with whatever you decide! Bonnie

  2. Black with purple cushions


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