Friday, May 13, 2011

Head Over Heels: My NEW Canon Rebel T3!!!

Finally blog more crummy pictures on Hammers and High Heels!  I am the proud new owner of a Canon Rebel T3 camera!  I am BEYOND Head Over Heels for this little baby!

I know I have mentioned in several blog posts that I wanted a DSLR camera for my birthday (which isn't until the end of July).  But Alex and a couple family members decided my birthday needed to come a little lot early (maybe they got tired of me complaining in my posts?).  But it was a total surprise!  

Alex got home from work and just plopped the box on the table. All I read was 'Rebel' and just thought it was one of his bike related 'toys'.  After a minute or two I realized it said Canon on the box as well... then I squealed with joy and I just about cried!  

Writing this blog and capturing our DIY adventures is something I love and look forward to everyday. I am overjoyed that now this camera will be able to capture what we love and work on more beautifully.  I already started fiddling with it a bit (I barely know how to work all the crazy gadgets on this camera), and the images I have taken are so crisp and beautiful.  I am amazed at the difference in quality! 

Case in point...
I just had to take one of those pictures in the mirror with the new camera.  This is on auto setting with no flash in artificial light.
Here is a picture taken with our old camera with the same settings.  Crazy difference right?!?!
I will be spending some time this weekend getting to know my new camera (and reading an extremely long instruction manual).  I am glad I have some test subjects -aka Rocco and Sadie- to take some beginner photos of.  
Sadie managed to sit still after repeating this direction several times for about 2 seconds and I snapped this photo.  I know it isn't the best pose, but Sadie has always been hard to take photos of since her coat is so dark.  In a lot of our old photos she wouldn't even show up in a picture with our old point and shoot camera.  Instead, it would look like Rocco was standing with a large shadowy figure.  Sadie's face actually shows up with the new camera!  YAY!  So maybe Rocco won't be the only photogenic pup around here anymore (sorry little buddy). We'll have gratuitous Rocco and Sadie photos!

Anyway, I hope you're as excited as I am about the new camera!  I can't wait to redo our House Tour photosIt won't look like we live in a dark dungeon anymore It will look so much brighter and better! Also, if you are an owner of a Canon Rebel let me know what you think of it or if you have any tips... I need all the help I can get.

Special thanks to Alex and my family for getting such an amazing gift!  I'm Head Over Heels for it!

Have a great weekend everyone!  I'll see you tomorrow with a Sunroom update. I got my hands on something fantastic for the room, can't wait to share!


  1. Wow, such a difference! How exciting! I asked for a new camera for my birthday this month as well. I so hope I get one!! Congrats on the new camera! :)

  2. Carla Marie!
    I am so happy for you! The DSLR's are amazing![I hope for one after we make a few major puchases for our home] Such a difference! and...sooooo sweet soooo huggable!

    Oh, by the way, with Blogger down, I could not leave a comment about your grain sack pillows...they look terrific! You are on a creative roll girl!
    have fun!

  3. Carla! I started with a Canon Rebel too! It's an awesome camera, seriously. You are going to be able to take such awesome pics now!

  4. That's super exciting!! The new photos look great :)

  5. Welcome to the world of SLR! I hope you and Alex are doing well :)

  6. Congrats! From a fellow Canon Shooter.


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