I know I normally stick to home projects or DIY's but my mind seems to be elsewhere, so why not write about it?
Six years ago today we got up at the crack of dawn, had breakfast with family, then hopped in our moving truck and headed to Minneapolis to start a new part of our lives. I never really forget the day because today is my mom's birthday
(Happy Birthday Moo from Boo)! I know six years isn't a milestone per say, but it's made me think a lot about our
Looking back, when we left Michigan I don't think either one of us thought
"oh, we'll be in Minneapolis forever"... maybe we'd move back to Michigan someday? In the back of my mind I guess I thought we'd be here for three or at most five years. I don't think anyone
dreams of living in Minneapolis
(especially with this frigid spring weather). The funny thing is after six years, I'm not sure which place would feel more like
home now. We have friends here, favorite restaurants & shops, events we look forward to, great neighbors, jobs we love, and a house that has become the
home we love.
Alex and I in May 2007 by the Minneapolis Spoonbridge and Cherry |
I'm so thankful for all the wonderful blessings Alex and I have because of moving to Minneapolis, and I feel proud of the life we've built together here. But still, birthdays, holidays, marriages, births, pregnancies, anniversaries,
(any celebration really), or even plain-ol days, there are times that I wish I could be closer to the people I love the most.
I still feel a little bummed when I call my sister, mom, or dad and hear them say
"we're having dinner over at so-and-so's house", knowing that I can't join them... Or only seeing my niece and nephew through Facetime. I love our family and I miss them a lot. Maybe this all came about because it's my mom's birthday, or my sister-in-law just found she's having a baby boy
(Henri's getting a little brother!), or that my niece Brynnan just turned eight months old and I've only seen her in person once. I guess I feel guilty for not being there as often as I'd like to be there.
Sure, Michigan is only nine hours away which isn't that bad, and I'm thankful for that. But sometimes I can't help but wonder how different it'd be if we moved back. Where would we live, where would we work? What would I be doing today or this weekend? I know if I were there today I'd be with my mom watching the Golden Girls while sharing a giant box of Whitman chocolates
(she always used to get them on her birthday and lucky for me she'd share).
Anyway, I hope this post wasn't depressing to read but I find blogging to be kind of therapeutic since you get your thoughts and feelings straight as you write. Like I've said, Minneapolis has become more
home to us after six years and we've found a lot of happiness here but some things & people can't be
replaced when
relocating. Maybe some of you can relate to these relocation feelings? I guess I hope there's some of you out there :)
Before I go, just in case
(Mom or Holly, I know you are wondering)- no plans to move back to Michigan... still. However, on a positive note I can't wait to visit with family over Easter! I can't wait to be with the people I love and miss!