Hip-hip-hooray! My lovely Sitting Room is feeling complete! There's a whole-lotta decor chatter in this post (hence the triple 'Decor' in the title). Here's a look at the final product!
In my last post I showed the DIY steps for this distressed vintage styled cork board (my sister corrected me today, I called it a bulletin board in the last post, thanks Holly). Check out how I decorated it! I used the maps I had talked about along with a few other fun things!
Let's have an up close look at some of them...
I had these antique fashion ads from an old newspaper that I picked up at an antique shop in Stillwater and never knew where to use them. I think they look right at home here on the board. The goofy little cards on the bottom right side are actually little Hanna Barbara playing cards from the 1960's that we found stuck in the radiator in our Guest Room when we did tornado clean up. They are a little crispy, but I think they were a really fun discovery. Makes me think that room was most likely a child's room at some point in time.
In this photo you can see more of the distressed finish on the board as well. I added a fun photo booth picture of Alex and I that makes me smile. I also have 2 old Vogue covers prints on the board, I think they are a fun glamorous touch! That was a suggestion some of you gave me in the comments- thank you, great idea!
Another fun thing to note in this 'Gratuitous Rocco Photo' are the wood crates used as a side table. I picked those up a while back on an antiquing trip in St. Paul (you can see that post here). They were a total score.....both for just $4.50 each!
Also, do you see that grate on the right side of the photo on the wall?
Here is a closer look...
I got this grate from Bauer Brother Salvage in North Minneapolis. I thought it was perfect for this room with it's olive green color, great match for the hanging antique window and throw blanket. I got the idea for placing photos on an antique grate from Bachman's Spring Idea House. I thought it was a really unique way to display photos. Definitely check out the link to see how they did it, they had a variety of grates too, it was very cool!
A photo from our first trip to Chicago and on our wedding day on a Pedi Cab |
Oh, and does this lamp look familiar? It is the one I talked about in my Head Over Heels post a few weeks back. It is the Barometer lamp from Ikea for $59.99. It has such a nice vintage feel to it, and it is pretty study- I was impressed by the quality!
I am really happy with how sweet and charming this little sitting space turned out to be! In fact, I am currently cuddled up in my big cuddly Ektorp chair (which was a Craigslist steal for only $80) while I finish writing up this blog post. It is a perfect little spot for blogging :) The room really has come a long way since back in January when we pulled out the icky carpet and Alex installed wood flooring.
Before all that we NEVER used this room at all. Now I have my Dressing Room and this lovely sitting space!
Whew! What do you think? I'm really loving it, although now sitting and looking over at my Dressing Room I am afraid I might need to do a few changes in there too, hmmm....
Oh dear, this Spare Room space may never be officially finished! Darn awkward layout! Decisions, decisions. Does anyone else struggle to design a particular space in their house? Or change up a room alot? Maybe it's just me?!?
***6.30.11 Update: I realized I assembled the lamp wrong, there is an extension of the arm that is missing, I went to throw away the box this morning and found another part in it! Oops! Guess that is what I get for not following the stick figure Ikea instructions! I will try and get another photo of the fully assembled lamp!***