Something has been feeling kind of funny around here lately, maybe you've noticed it too? Like something is missing right? Well, sadly that thing we are missing is a project.
We aren't in the middle of any kind of project right now, big or small, and it feels weird!!! I know some of you are thinking 'well crazy lady it's good to take a break from projects,' and I totally agree! However, Alex and I enjoy having things to work on when it comes to our house and even if we aren't physically working on something you can be certain we're talking about our next project plan. So let's chat...
What's up next for our house?
I checked back on our 2012 project wish list to remind myself what we had hoped to accomplish within the year. I'm happy we got the bigger projects like our Master Bedroom, the Guest Room, and adding wainscoting in the Dining Room but there's still a good amount of projects left... and considering it's almost July I'm pretty sure I get a big FAIL on my "Add landscaping (aka learn how to landscape/garden)" sad, well there's always 2013? Anyway, based on our original list and a couple new ideas that came up since January, here is what we are planning on for the remainder of the year (I love a good list!)...
We aren't in the middle of any kind of project right now, big or small, and it feels weird!!! I know some of you are thinking 'well crazy lady it's good to take a break from projects,' and I totally agree! However, Alex and I enjoy having things to work on when it comes to our house and even if we aren't physically working on something you can be certain we're talking about our next project plan. So let's chat...
What's up next for our house?
I checked back on our 2012 project wish list to remind myself what we had hoped to accomplish within the year. I'm happy we got the bigger projects like our Master Bedroom, the Guest Room, and adding wainscoting in the Dining Room but there's still a good amount of projects left... and considering it's almost July I'm pretty sure I get a big FAIL on my "Add landscaping (aka learn how to landscape/garden)" sad, well there's always 2013? Anyway, based on our original list and a couple new ideas that came up since January, here is what we are planning on for the remainder of the year (I love a good list!)...
LONG overdue- staining and fixing our deck, which should have been done last summer but something else ruined any of our summer yard plans.

The deck is totally priority #1 considering fall is right around the corner. After that in no specific order...
I'm hoping to FINALLY finish updating our Kitchen Nook. We left that project hanging blog-wise since January, but there has been a couple changes that I didn't write about. Trust me, it hasn't been looking like this for six whole months. That would drive me nuts!
Speaking of leaving projects hanging, I guess I also did that with our Office redo. Boo. I realize that it's pretty crummy of me to leave projects hanging but at least I'm learning to finish up projects before talking about new ones. I guess that is my late 2012 blogger resolution? Whoops, we are getting off topic, back to the Office redo. Hmmm, not much else to say really it just needs to be decorated and done!
Another one on the list that sounds easy is adding crown molding to our stairwell but based on past experience, we're pretty certain it won't be easy (and I know it will be filled with Alex's favorite 4-letter words).
Lastly on the original wish list, I put "maybe's" by tiling the shower and installing new kitchen counter tops. That "maybe" is now a "probably not this year". Those projects are a bit higher budget-wise and after thinking through all the planning and to-do's, we decided to wait until next year and $pace them out appropriately. Kind of a bummer, but we thought of a couple new project ideas that we wanted to take on that are on the simple side and kind of fun!
Remember "The Vestibule"? I have been lovingly referring to as "The Vegetable" since then (LOL), but we got so many fun comments and ideas for that little space that we have to do something with it right?!? Shouldn't be too complex so it's on!
And since we're talking about updating our Vegetable Front Entryway, why not spruce up the Back Entry... especially when you consider that we haven't done anything to it in two years... and it looks rather dumpy. Yep, dumpy. We've upped our DIY game since then, I think we can do better.
There, that's the updated list.
Now we certainly have plenty to keep us busy through the summer and into the fall!
Speaking of summer and plans, I can tell you now that July is going to be a crazy month! I will be doing some personal and work travels which means you might be seeing some more of Alex (aka Mr. Hammers and High Heels) in the next few weeks. I think we all know from past experience that my hubby loves to keep busy with projects (complete with Disney references and photo montages) while I am away... what a guy!
Let the crazy busy July begin!
I am heading to Michigan tomorrow for a very special visit! I will share more about that later this week along with some follow up to my Head Over Heel Friday question (thanks for all of your comments so far!). See you soon!
Enjoy your little break but I'll admit I'll be looking forward to your future projects!
ReplyDeletegood luck in your travels its always nice to hear from Mr hamers & not high heels lol
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you've had this idea yet for your entryway vestibule/vegetable :) but I thought I'd throw it out there!! I LOVE the french door on it, but why not split the french door into two thin french doors that open in the center? To me that would scream "grand entry" and then you wouldn't have so much door blocking your flow through one specific side of the house!
ReplyDeleteI am not sure if you've gotten this idea for your entryway vestibule/vegetable :) but I thought I'd throw it out there!! I love the french door on the interior side, but why not replace it with two thin french doors that open in the center? Personally (in my opinion) it would scream "grand entry" and it would increase your walk through space on the one side when you want to keep the door(s) open to the entryway!
ReplyDeleteI have a vestibule too - and the same french door! We completely gutted the house - the vestibule was linoleum tiles and peach and mint green wallpaper! Not anymore!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what you do with that vegetable!
Have a great trip!