So as I wrote about in a
previous blog, Layla and Kevin came to help us with our guest room redo (started
here and
here). Again, I am a HUGE fan of their blog, we have done projects on our house based on ideas we got from their blog like
here and
Here are the before pictures of our guest room before Layla and Kevin worked their magic (Rocco decided to be in the pictures)...
After we hit the Junk Bonanza, we got back to our house and Layla and Kevin started on our guest room. We had to wait downstairs, it was nerve racking having our house in someone else's hands! But we totally trusted Kevin and Layla to do something amazing with our guest room!
****Drumroll..... Here it is! Our new Guest Room!****
We got most of the items at Junk Bonanza including: the chair, antique dress form, tin tiles, night table, metal wall markers, small antique case, vintage mint tin, and an antique framed bed spring with hanging letters. Layla and Kevin definitely have an eye for nice junk!
Here is a view of the night table and wall markers. I LOVE the table that they found, it is worn perfectly, so shabby and cute!
Layla used a container from our kitchen and picked these flowers from the front of our house. She put them on top of the antique black case, totally cute!
Here's a closer look at the wall art, the picture is one we had already downstairs, I love that she put the metal widow's peak above the picture, I never would have thought to do that!
We had the bedding in our house already, same goes for the dec pillows. Layla and Kevin switched things up and it looks great! The duvet is from Ikea and the quilt is a Shabby Chic quilt from Target.
The lettered dec pillows are from Pottery Barn and the long bolster is from Ikea.
This is a closer shot of the antique bedspring. We got some vintage letters and numbers to hang from it. Layla found the cards on a bulletin board we had by our basement door. She also suggested that we get some clothes pins to hang cards or pictures on the bedspring, like a bulletin board. Such a good idea! I can't wait to add the clothes pins!
At Junk Bonanza, Layla told me to pick some letters that meant something to me. I looked for a C, A, Z, R or S, and could only find a C. I then thought what about a T and L so we can have TLC to stand for The Lettered Cottage so it will remind us of this experience.
I think this is my favorite part of the room, well tied with the mattress spring. I LOVE my antique dressform, it is something I always wanted to have. Alex found it and surprised me with it, it was so sweet of him!
The chair that Kevin and Layla found is perfect! I love the chipped paint and the color pops against our lighter blue walls. The mirror there was ours, Alex's mom got it for him, it also is a beautiful antique !
There is a vintage mint tin on the table as well and an old mason jar with dandelions Layla got from the Bonanza. I also LOVE the large vintage tin tile, it looked perfect with our paint!
Here we are with Kevin and Layla after the big reveal, which we had to tape about 5 times, and it is really hard to act surprised over and over, but it was fun! Alex made a blooper the second time we filmed our reaction, we opened the door and Alex yelled "Oh my gosh, what did you do? It looks terrible!" Then we all cracked up and had to tape the reveal again.
Our final picture before they left, we had to take with my dressform.

And that was it! The whole day was a blur, but so much fun. I also had to tape a few interviews about us, our house, and my love for the Lettered Cottage Blog! It was amazing having them at our house and spending the day with them. Layla and Kevin are so nice and fun to hang out with! I hope they had as much fun as we did!